Henri Massias
Henri Massias
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Cited by
Cited by
Design of a secure timestamping service with minimal trust requirement
H Massias, XS Avila, JJ Quisquarter
Symposium on Information theory in the Benelux, 79-86, 1999
Timestamps: Main issues on their use and implementation
H Massias, XS Avila, JJ Quisquater
Proceedings. IEEE 8th International Workshops on Enabling Technologies …, 1999
Design of a timestamping system
B Preneel, B Van Rompay, JJ Quisquater, H Massias, JS Avila
tehnicno porocilo projekta TIMESEC, 1998
FAMOUS: a fast instrumental and computational pipeline for multiphoton microscopy applied to 3D imaging of muscle ultrastructure
C Lefort, M Chalvidal, A Parenté, V Blanquet, H Massias, L Magnol, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54 (27), 274005, 2021
Variational Analysis and Generalized Equations in Electronics: Stability and Simulation Issues
S Adly, R Cibulka, H Massias
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis 21, 333-358, 2013
S Haber, H Massias
Encyclopedia of Cryptography, Security and Privacy, 1-6, 2024
Multi-parametric 3D-point-spread function estimation in deep multiphoton microscopy with an original computational strategy dedicated to the reconstruction of muscle images
C Lefort, E Chouzenoux, L Magnol, H Massias, JC Pesquet
Optical Sensing and Detection VI 11354, 236-243, 2020
TIMESEC: Specification and Implementation of a Timestamping System
JJ Quisquater, H Massias, JS Avilla, B Preneel, B Van Rompay
Technical Report WP2, Université Catholique de Louvain, 1999
Evaluation methodology for security primitives
B Preneel, B Van Rompay, JJ Quiquater, H Massias
Technical report, TIMESEC Project (Federal Government Project, Belgium), 1997
La certification cryptographique du temps
H Massias
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2000
Specification and implementation of a timestamping system
B Preneel, B Van Rompay, JJ Quisquater, H Massias, JS Avila
Université Caltholique de Louvain, Tech. Rep. TIMESEC WP4 37, 1999
Axial organization of muscular myosin identified by the optical and computational pipeline FAMOUS
C Lefort, M Chalvidal, F Baraige, A Parente, E Ferrandon, V Blanquet, ...
Unconventional Optical Imaging III 12136, 1213602, 2022
BBB une réponse à l'explosion des besoins en visioconférence?
H Massias, S Layrisse, M Khabzaoui, D Delavennat, A Shih
JRES (Journées réseaux de l'enseignement et de la recherche) 2021, 2022
Imagerie 3D par microscopie multiphotonique appliquée aux sciences du vivant: la chaine instrumentale et computationnelle FAMOUS
C LEFORT, M Chalvidal, A Parenté, V BLANQUET, H Massias, ...
Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité, 2022
FAMOUS pipeline: multiphoton microscopy and computational strategy for 3D imaging of biomedical sample
C Lefort, M Chalvidal, A Parenté, V Blanquet, H Massias, L Magnol, ...
PSB Symposium" Frontiers in Bioimaging", 2021
Deep-3D-multiphoton imaging of whole biological structures with a computational assistance and the pipeline FAMOUS
C Lefort, M Chalvidal, A Parente, V Blanquet, H Massias, L Magnol, ...
Physics and Biological Systems 2021, 2021
H Massias, S Haber
Encyclopedia of cryptography and security, 616-620, 2005
S Haber, H Massias
Lefort, Claire, Chouzenoux, Emilie, Magnol, Laetitia
H Massias, JC Pesquet
Proc. of SPIE Vol 11354, 113541I-1, 0
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Articles 1–19