Filip A. Wudarski
Filip A. Wudarski
Scientist at USRA in NASA QuAIL group
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Cited by
Non-Markovian random unitary qubit dynamics
D Chru¶ciński, FA Wudarski
Phys. Lett. A 377, 1425-1429, 2013
Non-Markovianity degree for random unitary evolution
D Chru¶ciński, FA Wudarski
Physical Review A 91 (1), 012104, 2015
Optimizing quantum heuristics with meta-learning
M Wilson, R Stromswold, F Wudarski, S Hadfield, NM Tubman, EG Rieffel
Quantum Machine Intelligence 3, 1-14, 2021
Entanglement across separate silicon dies in a modular superconducting qubit device
A Gold, JP Paquette, A Stockklauser, MJ Reagor, MS Alam, A Bestwick, ...
npj Quantum Information 7 (1), 142, 2021
Real-time evolution for ultracompact hamiltonian eigenstates on quantum hardware
K Klymko, C Mejuto-Zaera, SJ Cotton, F Wudarski, M Urbanek, D Hait, ...
PRX Quantum 3 (2), 020323, 2022
Characterizing local noise in QAOA circuits
J Marshall, F Wudarski, S Hadfield, T Hogg
IOP SciNotes 1 (2), 025208, 2020
Neural network ansatz for periodic wave functions and the homogeneous electron gas
M Wilson, S Moroni, M Holzmann, N Gao, F Wudarski, T Vegge, ...
Physical Review B 107 (23), 235139, 2023
Admissible memory kernels for random unitary qubit evolution
FA Wudarski, P Należyty, G Sarbicki, D Chru¶ciński
Physical Review A 91 (4), 042105, 2015
Quantum algorithms with local particle-number conservation: Noise effects and error correction
M Streif, M Leib, F Wudarski, E Rieffel, Z Wang
Physical Review A 103 (4), 042412, 2021
Markovian semigroup from non-Markovian evolutions
FA Wudarski, D Chru¶ciński
Physical Review A 93 (4), 042120, 2016
Entanglement witnesses from mutually unbiased bases
D Chru¶ciński, G Sarbicki, F Wudarski
Physical Review A 97 (3), 032318, 2018
Geometry of entanglement witnesses for two qutrits
D Chru¶ciński, FA Wudarski
Open Systems & Information Dynamics 18 (04), 375-387, 2011
Entanglement production and convergence properties of the variational quantum eigensolver
AJC Woitzik, PK Barkoutsos, F Wudarski, A Buchleitner, I Tavernelli
Physical Review A 102 (4), 042402, 2020
Simulations of state-of-the-art fermionic neural network wave functions with diffusion Monte Carlo
M Wilson, N Gao, F Wudarski, E Rieffel, NM Tubman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12570, 2021
Two-unitary decomposition algorithm and open quantum system simulation
N Suri, J Barreto, S Hadfield, N Wiebe, F Wudarski, J Marshall
Quantum 7, 1002, 2023
From ansätze to Z-gates: A NASA view of quantum computing
EG Rieffel, S Hadfield, T Hogg, S Mandrà, J Marshall, G Mossi, ...
Future Trends of HPC in a Disruptive Scenario, 133-160, 2019
Experimental investigation of Markovian and non-Markovian channel addition
SA Uriri, F Wudarski, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione, MS Tame
Physical Review A 101 (5), 052107, 2020
Output statistics of quantum annealers with disorder
J Brugger, C Seidel, M Streif, FA Wudarski, C Dittel, A Buchleitner
Physical Review A 105 (4), 042605, 2022
Exchange of information between system and environment: Facts and myths
FA Wudarski, F Petruccione
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 113 (5), 2016
Characterizing low-frequency qubit noise
F Wudarski, Y Zhang, AN Korotkov, AG Petukhov, MI Dykman
Physical Review Applied 19 (6), 064066, 2023
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Articles 1–20