Bogumił Kamiński
Bogumił Kamiński
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
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A framework for sensitivity analysis of decision trees
B Kamiński, M Jakubczyk, P Szufel
Central European journal of operations research 26, 135-159, 2018
Influence of gender on baseline features and clinical outcomes among 17,370 patients with confirmed ischaemic stroke in the international stroke trial
M Niewada, A Kobayashi, PAG Sandercock, B Kamiński, A Członkowska
Neuroepidemiology 24 (3), 123-128, 2005
Do institutional investors encourage firm to social disclosure? The stakeholder salience perspective
M Aluchna, M Roszkowska-Menkes, B Kamiński, D Bosek-Rak
Journal of Business Research 142, 674-682, 2022
Choice of best possible metaheuristic algorithm for the travelling salesman problem with limited computational time: quality, uncertainty and speed
M Antosiewicz, G Koloch, B Kamiński
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Computer Science 7 (1), 46-55, 2013
Clustering via hypergraph modularity
B Kamiński, V Poulin, P Prałat, P Szufel, F Théberge
PloS one 14 (11), e0224307, 2019
Ownership structure and company performance: a panel study from Poland
M Aluchna, B Kaminski
Baltic Journal of Management 12 (4), 485-502, 2017
From talk to action: the effects of the non-financial reporting directive on ESG performance
M Aluchna, M Roszkowska-Menkes, B Kamiński
Meditari accountancy research 31 (7), 1-25, 2023
Acute ischemic stroke care and outcome in centers participating in the Polish National Stroke Prevention and Treatment Registry
M Niewada, M Skowronska, D Ryglewicz, B Kamiński, A Członkowska
Stroke 37 (7), 1837-1843, 2006
A multinational, multi‐centre, observational, cross‐sectional survey assessing diabetes secondary care in Central and Eastern Europe (DEPAC Survey)
M Andel, W Grzeszczak, J Michalek, M Medvescek, A Norkus, I Rasa, ...
Diabetic medicine 25 (10), 1195-1203, 2008
Artificial benchmark for community detection (abcd)—fast random graph model with community structure
B Kamiński, P Prałat, F Théberge
Network Science 9 (2), 153-178, 2021
On optimization of simulation execution on Amazon EC2 spot market
B Kamiński, P Szufel
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 58, 172-187, 2015
A method for the updating of stochastic kriging metamodels
B Kamiński
European Journal of Operational Research 247 (3), 859-866, 2015
Mining complex networks
B Kaminski, P Prałat, F Théberge
Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2021
Impact of diabetes on survival in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction treated by primary angioplasty: insights from the POLISH STEMI registry
G De Luca, LA Małek, P Maciejewski, W W±sek, M Niewada, B Kamiński, ...
Atherosclerosis 210 (2), 516-520, 2010
International Stroke Trial Collaborative Group. Influence of gender on baseline features and clinical outcomes among 17,370 patients with confirmed ischaemic stroke in the …
M Niewada, A Kobayashi, PA Sandercock, B Kamiński, A Członkowska
Neuroepidemiology 24 (3), 123-128, 2005
The association between independent directors and company value. Confronting evidence from two emerging markets
M Aluchna, JD Mahadeo, B Kamiński
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 20 (6 …, 2020
Bounded rationality via recursion
M Łatek, RL Axtell, B Kaminski
Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and …, 2009
Social network structure and the trade-off between social utility and economic performance
K Growiec, J Growiec, B Kamiński
Social Networks 55, 31-46, 2018
Pulse pressure–independent predictor of poor early outcome and mortality following ischemic stroke
K Grabska, M Niewada, I Sarzyńska-Długosz, B Kamiński, A Członkowska
Cerebrovascular Diseases 27 (2), 187-192, 2009
Detecting bots in social-networks using node and structural embeddings
A Dehghan, K Siuta, A Skorupka, A Dubey, A Betlen, D Miller, W Xu, ...
Journal of Big Data 10 (1), 119, 2023
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Articles 1–20