Su-Yong Lee
Su-Yong Lee
Senior Researcher, Quantum Center, Agency for Defense Development
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Quantum state engineering by a coherent superposition of photon subtraction and addition
SY Lee, H Nha
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (5), 053812, 2010
Enhancing quantum entanglement for continuous variables by a coherent superposition of photon subtraction and addition
SY Lee, SW Ji, HJ Kim, H Nha
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 84 (1), 012302, 2011
Optimal Gaussian measurements for phase estimation in single-mode Gaussian metrology
C Oh, C Lee, C Rockstuhl, H Jeong, J Kim, H Nha, SY Lee
npj Quantum Information 5 (1), 10, 2019
Second-order superposition operations via Hong-Ou-Mandel interference
SY Lee, H Nha
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (4), 043816, 2012
Unified approach to contextuality, non-locality, and temporal correlations
M Markiewicz, P Kurzynski, J Thompson, SY Lee, A Soeda, T Paterek, ...
Physical Review A 89 (4), 042109, 2014
Quantum linear amplifier enhanced by photon subtraction and addition
HJ Kim, SY Lee, SW Ji, H Nha
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 85 (1), 013839, 2012
Nonclassicality generated by photon annihilation-then-creation and creation-then-annihilation operations
SY Lee, J Park, SW Ji, CHR Ooi, HW Lee
JOSA B 26 (8), 1532-1537, 2009
Efficient entanglement criteria beyond Gaussian limits using Gaussian measurements
H Nha, SY Lee, SW Ji, MS Kim
Physical Review Letters 108 (3), 030503, 2012
Quantum phase estimation using a multi-headed cat state
SY Lee, CW Lee, H Nha, D Kaszlikowski
JOSA B 32 (6), 1186-1192, 2015
Quantum noise reduction in intensity-sensitive surface plasmon resonance sensors
JS Lee, T Huynh, SY Lee, KG Lee, J Lee, M Tame, C Rockstuhl, C Lee
Physical Review A 96 (3), 033833, 2017
Optimal measurements for quantum fidelity between Gaussian states and its relevance to quantum metrology
C Oh, C Lee, L Banchi, SY Lee, C Rockstuhl, H Jeong
Physical Review A 100 (1), 012323, 2019
Quantum illumination receiver using double homodyne detection
Y Jo, S Lee, YS Ihn, Z Kim, SY Lee
Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013006, 2021
Practical resources and measurements for lossy optical quantum metrology
C Oh, SY Lee, H Nha, H Jeong
Physical Review A 96 (6), 062304, 2017
Quantum phase estimation using path-symmetric entangled states
SY Lee, CW Lee, J Lee, H Nha
Scientific Reports 6, 30306, 2016
Quantum illumination via quantum-enhanced sensing
SY Lee, YS Ihn, Z Kim
Physical Review A 103 (1), 012411, 2021
Enhanced Bell violation by a coherent superposition of photon subtraction and addition
J Park, SY Lee, HW Lee, H Nha
JOSA B 29 (5), 906-911, 2012
Coherent multimode conversion from microwave to optical wave via a magnon-cavity hybrid system
YS Ihn, SY Lee, D Kim, SH Yim, Z Kim
Physical Review B 102 (6), 064418, 2020
Increasing and decreasing entanglement characteristics for continuous variables by a local photon subtraction
SY Lee, SW Ji, CW Lee
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (5), 052321, 2013
Distributed quantum sensing of multiple phases with fewer photons
DH Kim, S Hong, YS Kim, Y Kim, SW Lee, RC Pooser, K Oh, SY Lee, ...
Nature communications 15 (1), 266, 2024
Generating arbitrary photon-number entangled states for continuous-variable quantum informatics
SY Lee, J Park, HW Lee, H Nha
Optics Express 20 (13), 14221, 2012
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Articles 1–20