Sambor Guze
Sambor Guze
Uniwersytet Morski w Gdyni
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Graph theory approach to transportation systems design and optimization
S Guze
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2014
Graph theory approach to the vulnerability of transportation networks
S Guze
Algorithms 12 (12), 270, 2019
Modelling environment and infrastructure influence on reliability and operation processes of port transportation systems
S Guze, K Kołowrocki, J Soszyńska
Journal of Konbin 4 (1), 25-38, 2008
Multi-criteria optimisation of liquid cargo transport according to linguistic approach to the route selection task
S Guze, T Neumann, P Wilczyński
Polish Maritime Research 24 (s1), 89-96, 2017
Identification of complex technical systems operation processes
J Soszyńska, K Kołowrocki, A Blokus-Roszkowska, S Guze
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 1 (2), 2010
Port critical infrastructure network
A Blokus-Roszkowska, S Guze, K Kołowrocki, J Soszyńska-Budny
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 7 (2), 15-28, 2016
Models of safety, reliability and availability evaluation of complex technical systems related to their operation processes
A Blokus-Roszkowska, S Guze, K Kołowrocki, ...
WP, 2008
Data mining for identification and prediction of safety and reliability characteristics of complex industrial systems and processes
K Kołowrocki, J Soszyńska, P Kamiński, M Jurdziński, S Guze, B Milczek, ...
WP6-Task 6, 1-16.03, 2009
An application of the selected graph theory domination concepts to transportation networks modelling
S Guze
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 2017
Ship traffic and port operation information critical infrastructure network
S Guze, M Ledóchowski
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 7 (2), 65-72, 2016
Reliability analysis of multi-state ageing consecutive „k out of n: F” systems
S Guze, K Kołowrocki
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 1, 2007
The area-dynamic approach to the assessment of the risks of ship collision in the restricted water
S Guze, L Smolarek, A Weintrit
Zeszyty Naukowe Akademii Morskiej w Szczecinie, 88--93, 2016
Joint network of port, shipping, ship traffic and port operation information critical infrastructure network
S Guze, K Kołowrocki
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 7, 2016
Wyznaczanie niezawodności dwustanowych systemów progowych typu „kolejnych kzn: F”
S Guze
Materiały XXXV Szkoły Niezawodności, 2007
Numerical approach to reliability evaluation of two-state consecutive “k out of n: F” systems
S Guze
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 1, 2007
Safety modeling of port, shipping and ship traffic and port operation information critical infrastructure join network related to its operation process
S Guze, K Kołowrocki
Safety and Reliability–Theory and Applications, 115-115, 2017
A method for determining critical events during large disasters of production platforms
D Chybowska, L Chybowski, S Guze, P Wilczyński
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 72, 104528, 2021
Determination of parameters describing the risk areas of ships chaotic rolling on the example of LNG carrier and OSV vessel
S Guze, W Wawrzynski, P Wilczynski
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (2), 91, 2020
Integrated package of solutions for complex industrial systems and processes safety and reliability optimization
A Blokus-Roszkowska, S Guze, K Kołowrocki, ...
WP, 2009
Identification of complex technical system components safety models
J Soszyńska, K Kołowrocki, A Blokus-Roszkowska, S Guze
Journal of Polish Safety and Reliability Association 1, 2010
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Articles 1–20