Ryan E. Carlin
Ryan E. Carlin
Professor of Political Science, Georgia State University
Zweryfikowany adres z gsu.edu - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The ideational approach to populism: Concept, theory, and analysis
KA Hawkins, RE Carlin, L Littvay, CR Kaltwasser
Routledge Press, 2019
The Latin American voter: Pursuing representation and accountability in challenging contexts
RE Carlin, MM Singer, EJ Zechmeister
University of Michigan Press, 2015
Support for Polyarchy in the Americas
RE Carlin, MM Singer
Comparative political studies 44 (11), 1500-1526, 2011
Context counts: The election cycle, development, and the nature of economic voting
MM Singer, RE Carlin
The Journal of Politics 75 (3), 730-742, 2013
The politics of interpersonal trust and reciprocity: An experimental approach
RE Carlin, GJ Love
Political Behavior 35, 43-63, 2013
Political Competition, Partisanship and Interpersonal Trust in Electoral Democracies
RE Carlin, GJ Love
British Journal of Political Science 48 (1), 115-139, 2018
Natural disaster and democratic legitimacy: The public opinion consequences of Chile’s 2010 earthquake and tsunami
RE Carlin, GJ Love, EJ Zechmeister
Political Research Quarterly 67 (1), 3-15, 2014
The decline of citizen participation in electoral politics in post-authoritarian Chile
RE Carlin
Democratization 13 (4), 632-651, 2006
Cushioning the fall: Scandals, economic conditions, and executive approval
RE Carlin, GJ Love, C Martínez-Gallardo
Political Behavior 37, 109-130, 2015
Executive Approval Database 1.0
RE Carlin, J Hartlyn, T Hellwig, GJ Love, C Martinez-Gallardo, MM Singer
www.executiveapproval.org, 2016
Security, clarity of responsibility, and presidential approval
RE Carlin, GJ Love, C Martínez-Gallardo
Comparative Political Studies 48 (4), 438-463, 2015
Public support for Latin American presidents: The cyclical model in comparative perspective
RE Carlin, J Hartlyn, T Hellwig, GJ Love, C Martínez-Gallardo, MM Singer
Research & Politics 5 (3), 2053168018787690, 2018
Good democrats, bad targets: Democratic values and clientelistic vote buying
RE Carlin, M Moseley
The Journal of Politics 77 (1), 14-26, 2015
Distrusting democrats and political participation in new democracies: Lessons from Chile
RE Carlin
Political Research Quarterly 64 (3), 668-687, 2011
Trust shaken: Earthquake damage, state capacity, and interpersonal trust in comparative perspective
RE Carlin, GJ Love, EJ Zechmeister
Comparative Politics 46 (4), 419-453, 2014
Social or political cleavages? A spatial analysis of the party system in post-authoritarian Chile
CA Bonilla, RE Carlin, GJ Love, E Silva Méndez
Public Choice 146, 9-21, 2011
The socioeconomic roots of support for democracy and the quality in Latin America
RE Carlin
Revista de ciencia política (Santiago) 26 (1), 48-66, 2006
Presidents’ Sex and Popularity: Baselines, Dynamics and Policy Performance
RE Carlin, M Carreras, GJ Love
British Journal of Political Science 50 (4), 1359-1379, 2020
Executive Power and Economic Accountability
RE Carlin, SP Singh
The Journal of Politics 77 (4), 1031-1044, 2015
The dynamics of executive approval under alternative democratic regimes
R Carlin, J Hartlyn, C Martínez-Gallardo
Problems Confronting Contemporary Democracies: Essays in Honor of Alfred …, 2012
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