Zuzanna Brunarska
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Cytowane przez
Ukrainian migration to Poland: a “local” mobility?
Z Brunarska, M Kindler, M Szulecka, S Toruńczyk-Ruiz
Ukrainian Migration to the European Union: Lessons from Migration Studies …, 2016
Migracje obywateli Ukrainy do Polski w kontekście rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego: stan obecny, polityka, transfery pieniężne
Z Brunarska, M Grotte, M Lesińska
Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami, Warszawa, 2012
Through attachment to settlement: Social and psychological determinants of migrants’ intentions to stay
S Toruńczyk-Ruiz, Z Brunarska
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 46 (15), 3191-3209, 2020
Ukraińscy migranci zarobkowi w Polsce–dlaczego tak trudno ich policzyć?
Z Brunarska
Studia BAS 4 (40), 155-174, 2014
Intra-vs. extra-regional migration in the post-Soviet space
Z Brunarska, J Nestorowicz, S Markowski
Eurasian Geography and Economics 55 (2), 133-155, 2014
A “good enough” choice: Bounded rationality in migration destination choice
Z Brunarska
Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny 45 (2 (172)), 2019
The futures of ethnic groups in the Russian Federation
M Kupiszewski, D Kupiszewska, Z Brunarska
Eurasian Geography and Economics 58 (3), 279-296, 2017
Understanding sociopolitical engagement of Society in Russia: A view from Yaroslavl oblast and Tatarstan
Z Brunarska
Problems of Post-Communism 65 (5), 315-326, 2018
Poland as a (n)(un) attractive destination for Belarusian labour migrants
Z Brunarska, M Lesińska
CARIM-East Research Report. CMR working paper 70, 128, 2014
Ukraińscy migranci w Polsce: sytuacja obecna,[w:] Z. Brunarska, M. Grotte, M. Lesińska
Z Brunarska
Migracje obywateli Ukrainy do Polski w kontekście rozwoju społeczno …, 2012
Economic integration of immigrants – towards a new conceptualisation of an old term
P Kaczmarczyk, Z Brunarska, A Brzozowska, K Kardaszewicz
Współczesne migracje na obszarze poradzieckim przez pryzmat koncepcji migracji poimperialnych [Contemporary migration in the post-Soviet area from the perspective of the …
Z Brunarska
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 2 (2), 39-54, 2013
Regional migration report: Eastern Europe
B Anna, A Di Bartolomeo, B Zuzanna, M Shushanik, M Sergo, ...
European University Institute, 2013
Between energy security and energy market integration
Z Brunarska, A Jarosiewicz, A Łoskot-Strachota, I WiÊniewska, O Osica
Guidelines for the future development of the EU's external energy policy in …, 2011
Family Influences on Migration Intentions: The Role of Past Experience of Involuntary Immobility
Z Brunarska, A Ivlevs
Sociology 57 (5), 1060-1077, 2023
Ukrainian migration to Poland: A “local” mobility?[in:] M. Kindler, O. Fedyuk (eds.), Ukrainian Migration to the European Union. Lessons from Migration Studies
Z Brunarska
Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016
Internal vs external migration in post-Soviet space. CARIM-East Research Report.
Z Brunarska, J Nestorowicz, S Markowski
Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW, 2014
Between energy security and energy market integration. Guidelines for the future development of the EU’s external energy policy in Europe’s neighbourhood. OSW Report, June 2011
Z Brunarska, A Jarosiewicz, A Łoskot-Strachota, I Wisniewska, O Osica
Russia: A ‘Hidden’ Migration Transition and a Winding Road towards a Mature Immigration Country?
Z Brunarska, M Denisenko
Central and Eastern European Migration Review 10 (1), 143-172, 2021
Internal vs external migration in post-Soviet space
Z Brunarska, J Nestorowicz, S Markowski
CMR Working Papers, 2014
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