Exploatări miniere subterane, vol. II S Covaci, G Oncioiu, D Bădulescu, E Cozma, P Hreniuc-Nivelt Editura Corvin, Deva, ISBN 973-9379-09-5, 1999 | 10* | 1999 |
The efficient use of the GIS technology in creating strategies for regional development and environment protection G Badescu, O Stefan, NA Bancila, NP Hreniuc, EK Iulius, AT Radulescu, ... WSEAS International Conference. Proceedings. Mathematics and Computers in …, 2009 | 4 | 2009 |
Exploatări miniere subterane, vol. 11 Ș Covaci, G ONCIOTU, E COZMA, D BĂDULESCU, P Hreniuc Editura Corvin, Deva, 1999 | 3 | 1999 |
Means for controlling natural bacterial leaching and exploiting dissolved copper PN Hreniuc, G Bădescu Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Modern Technologies, Quality …, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
Technologies for recovering gold and very heavy metals from ores and alluvials PN Hreniuc, G Bădescu Proceedings of the 14-th International Modern Technologies, Quality and …, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
Research on Reducing Noise and Chemical Pollution by Internal Combustion Engines IR Șugar, M Bănică, PN Hreniuc Proceedings of Advanced Manufacturing Operation, Kranevo Bulgaria,(25-27. 06 …, 2009 | 2 | 2009 |
Sources of Pollution and Effects of Pollution at the Copper Ore Exploitations of S.C. CUPROMIN S.A. Deva NP Hreniuc, G Bădescu, I Pașca, D Balaj 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and …, 2011 | 1* | 2011 |
Pollutant Effects of the Natural Bacterial Leaching in the Area of Valea Sesei-Rosia Poieni HN Petru, G Badescu Proceedings of the World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society 2nd …, 2009 | 1 | 2009 |
Technical solutions to recover gold from chloride solutions,using selective ion exchange resins-S.C.CEPROMIN S.A.DEVA NH Petru, P Iosif, S Ovidiu, B Gabriel Proceedings of XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress,june 12-16, Sozopol …, 2013 | | 2013 |
New technologies to recover gold and silver from ores and concentrates in cell-type column NH Petru, P Iosif, S Ovidiu, B Gabriel Proceedings of XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress,june 12-16, Sozopol …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Solutii tehnice de reabilitare ecologica a Haldei de steril Funicular Nou dupa inchiderea etapizata a minei Uricani,judetul Hunedoara P Hreniuc, N., G Macovei, V Tomus Papers of the Sibiu Alma Mater University Conference 2, 133-138, 2012 | | 2012 |
The management of settlig ponds resulted from the mining activty in C.N.C.A.F. Minvest S.A. Deva NP Hreniuc, G Macovei, I Pasca, O Stefan, E Mermezan Sibiu Alma Mater University Conference 28-30 March 2013,Sibiu 1, 61-67, 2012 | | 2012 |
Mathematical and economic analysis of stockpiling costs for mining processes NP Hreniuc, G Badescu, O Stefan, I Pasca The 16th International Conference Modern Technologies, Quality and …, 2012 | | 2012 |
Studies and research on the use of photogrammety and remote sensing within project management G Badescu, O Stefan, NP Hreniuc, M Darja, M Ortelecan, N Pop, ... The 16th International Conference Modern Technologies, Quality and …, 2012 | | 2012 |
Soluții tehnice de reabilitare ecologică a Haldei de steril Funicular Nou după închiderea etapizată a minei Uricani, județul Hunedoara PN HRENIUC, G MACOVEI, V TOMUS Papers of the Sibiu Alma Mater University Conference 2, 133-138, 2012 | | 2012 |
Reversal of mines general ventilation in case of endogen fires by water spraying into the ventilation shaft NP Hreniuc, I Pașca, M Schvab, G Bădescu Proceedings 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy …, 2011 | | 2011 |
Dynamics of the Lignite Based Production of Electric Energy in Romania, from the Oltenia Coal Basin NP Hreniuc, G Bădescu, I Pașca The 15th International Conference Modern Technologies, Quality and …, 2011 | | 2011 |
Using Modern Technologies GPS (GNSS) and Gis in Solving Projects Regarding Environmental Protection and Agriculture G Bădescu, O Ștefan, NP Hreniuc, R Bădescu The 15th International Conference Modern Technologies, Quality and …, 2011 | | 2011 |
Technical Solutions to Mining Ventilation in the Airless end with Pneumatic Devices without Moving Parts NP Hreniuc, G Bădescu, D Balaj 3rd WSEAS International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering, Quality and …, 2011 | | 2011 |
Some Aspects of Using GNSS Technologz in Project Management G Bădescu, O Ștefan, NP Hreniuc, R Bădescu 12th WSEAS International Conference (MCBC`11), April 11-13, 143-149, 2011 | | 2011 |