Md Hafidz Omar
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Cited by
Alternative methods for the simultaneous monitoring of simple linear profile parameters
T Mahmood, M Riaz, M Hafidz Omar, M Xie
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 97 (5), 2851-2871, 2018
Multiple-mark items: An alternative objective item format?
M Pomplun, MH Omar
Educational and psychological measurement 57 (6), 949-962, 1997
Statistical process control charts for measuring and monitoring temporal consistency of ratings
MH Omar
Journal of Educational Measurement 47 (1), 18-35, 2010
Score comparability of a state mathematics assessment across students with and without reading accommodations.
M Pomplun, MH Omar
Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (1), 21, 2000
New V control chart for the Maxwell distribution
MP Hossain, MH Omar, M Riaz
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 87 (3), 594-606, 2017
On designing Maxwell CUSUM control chart: an efficient way to monitor failure rates in boring processes
MP Hossain, RA Sanusi, MH Omar, M Riaz
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 100 (5-8 …, 2019
Mathematics Performance and its Relation to English Language Proficiency Level of Bilingual Arab University Students
B Yushau, MH Omar
Indian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (13), 2015
A comparison of WINSTEPS and BILOG-MG for vertical scaling with the Rasch model
M Pomplun, MDH Omar, M Custer
Educational and psychological measurement 64 (4), 600-616, 2004
The factorial invariance of a test of reading comprehension across groups of limited English proficient students
M Pomplun, MH Omar
Applied Measurement in Education 14 (3), 261-283, 2001
Vertical Scaling with the Rasch Model Utilizing Default and Tight Convergence Settings with WINSTEPS and BILOG-MG
M Custer, MH Omar, M Pomplun
Applied Measurement in Education 19 (2), 2006
Preparatory Year Program Courses as Predictors of First Calculus Course Grade.
B Yushau, MH Omar
Mathematics and Computer Education 41 (2), 92-108, 2007
On designing a new control chart for Rayleigh distributed processes with an application to monitor glass fiber strength
MP Hossain, MH Omar, M Riaz, SY Arafat
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 51 (6), 3168-3184, 2022
Statistical analysis of H. 264 video frame size distribution
K Salah, F Al-Haidari, MH Omar, A Chaudhry
IET communications 5 (14), 1978-1986, 2011
Characterization of variability and trends in daily precipitation and temperature extremes in the Horn of Africa
E Afuecheta, MH Omar
Climate Risk Management 32, 100295, 2021
Inverse Maxwell Distribution and Statistical Process Control: An Efficient Approach for Monitoring Positively Skewed Process
MH Omar, SY Arafat, M Hossain, M Riaz
Symmetry 13 (2), 189, 2021
Comparing Vertical Scales Derived from Dichotomous and Polytomous IRT Models for a Test Composed of Testlets.
NS Bishop, MH Omar
Long-Term Aerosol Trends and Variability over Central Saudi Arabia Using Optical Characteristics from Solar Village AERONET Measurements
M Al Otaibi, A Farahat, B Tawabini, MH Omar, E Ramadan, A Abuelgasim, ...
Atmosphere 10 (12), 752, 2019
The Distribution of a Linear Combination of Two Correlated Chi-Square Variables
AH Joarder, MH Omar, AK Gupta
Revista Colombiana de Estadística 36 (2), 209-219, 2013
Estimation of mixture Maxwell parameters and its possible industrial application
MP Hossain, MH Omar, M Riaz
Computers & Industrial Engineering 107, 264-275, 2017
Do minority representative reading passages provide factorially invariant scores for all students?
M Pomplun, MH Omar
Structural Equation Modeling 10 (2), 276-288, 2003
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Articles 1–20