CA Murthy
CA Murthy
Professor, Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, India
Zweryfikowany adres z isical.ac.in - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Unsupervised feature selection using feature similarity
P Mitra, CA Murthy, SK Pal
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 24 (3), 301-312, 2002
Hue-preserving color image enhancement without gamut problem
SK Naik, CA Murthy
IEEE Transactions on image processing 12 (12), 1591-1598, 2003
In search of optimal clusters using genetic algorithms
CA Murthy, N Chowdhury
Pattern Recognition Letters 17 (8), 825-832, 1996
Genetic algorithm with elitist model and its convergence
D Bhandari, CA Murthy, SK Pal
International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence 10 …, 1996
Thresholding in edge detection: a statistical approach
RR Rakesh, P Chaudhuri, CA Murthy
IEEE Transactions on image processing 13 (7), 927-936, 2004
Density-based multiscale data condensation
P Mitra, CA Murthy, SK Pal
IEEE Transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 24 (6), 734-747, 2002
Technique for fractal image compression using genetic algorithm
SK Mitra, CA Murthy, MK Kundu
IEEE transactions on image processing 7 (4), 586-593, 1998
Pattern classification with genetic algorithms
S Bandyopadhyay, CA Murthy, SK Pal
Pattern recognition letters 16 (8), 801-808, 1995
A probabilistic active support vector learning algorithm
P Mitra, CA Murthy, SK Pal
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 26 (3), 413-418, 2004
Correlation between two fuzzy membership functions
CA Murthy, SK Pal, DD Majumder
Fuzzy sets and systems 17 (1), 23-38, 1985
Fuzzy thresholding: mathematical framework, bound functions and weighted moving average technique
CA Murthy, SK Pal
Pattern Recognition Letters 11 (3), 197-206, 1990
Data condensation in large databases by incremental learning with support vector machines
P Mitra, CA Murthy, SK Pal
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000 …, 2000
Genetic algorithms for generation of class boundaries
SK Pal, S Bandyopadhyay, CA Murthy
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 28 …, 1998
A new centrality measure for influence maximization in social networks
S Kundu, CA Murthy, SK Pal
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: 4th International Conference …, 2011
Histogram thresholding by minimizing graylevel fuzziness
CA Murthy, SK Pal
Information sciences 60 (1-2), 107-135, 1992
Formulation of a multivalued recognition system
DP Mandal, CA Murthy, SK Pal
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 22 (4), 607-620, 1992
Standardization of edge magnitude in color images
SK Naik, CA Murthy
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (9), 2588-2595, 2006
Method and apparatus to reduce false minutiae in a binary fingerprint image
T Acharya, B Bhattacharya, P Bhowmick, A Bishnu, J Dey, M Kundu, ...
US Patent App. 09/952,249, 2003
Effective text classification by a supervised feature selection approach
T Basu, CA Murthy
2012 ieee 12th international conference on data mining workshops, 918-925, 2012
Centrality measures, upper bound, and influence maximization in large scale directed social networks
SK Pal, S Kundu, CA Murthy
Fundamenta Informaticae 130 (3), 317-342, 2014
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